We’ve simplified our pricing structure to make ordering easier for you!  Everything now falls into one of two categories: Favored or Cherished.

  • Favored Covenant Oils are ones that are more easily found and harvested – typically those are ones you may smell more often like sweet orange, cinnamon leaf, and lavender.
  • Cherished Covenant Oils are ones that are more expensive and rare, examples are jasmine, patchouli, and neroli.

We hope this update will make ordering far more simple! As a matter of fact, to the right just under the search bar we’ve added a new feature called “Just Send Me an Oil!” which is a one-click way to order. You’ll either receive a 1 dram of favored oil or a sweet petite of cherished oil. We’re trying to make life easier for you 🙂

We have also updated our pricing, we hadn’t made changes to it since The Scent of Heaven was born in 2007! A couple oils have decreased in price, but most have increased in part due to costs, but we’ve also refined the way we do things to bring you the best quality oil we can, and so we are giving each and every oil hands-on TLC (tender loving care).

We are always striving to find a good balance between high-quality products that are birthed with care and love and reasonable pricing for what we’re called to create.  We believe you’ll be blessed by what the Father is birthing through this ministry!